We Help Manufacturing Companies Mitigate Operational Risk and Protect Their Data
Ensuring cybersecurity through layers of defense solutions

Our cutting-edge stack of solutions and services allows manufacturers to not only protect their data – from the private user and employee data to intellectual property – but also significantly reduce operational risks, which often jeopardize the physical safety of employees and facilities.

Manufacturing companies are increasingly Targeted by cybercriminals


of cybersecurity breaches are caused by external actors


of compromised data is in the form of credentials


of breaches are motivated by espionage, while 73% by financial gains

Manufacturers must be proactive in their cybersecurity

Cyberattacks are getting increasingly complex. Utilizing an array of methods – man-in-the-middle attacks, phishing, malware, denial-of-service attacks – cyberattackers can compromise the integrity of your customer and employee data, gain access to trade secrets and intellectual property, and endanger the physical safety of the manufacturing process.
As manufacturing facilities adopt more sophisticated technologies and integrate industrial Internet of Things networks in their operations, it is imperative that they implement a unified cybersecurity strategy that proactively secures the entire network.
Gamma defense solutions – robust cybersecurity and improved operational efficiency
Protecting your data with multi-layered cybersecurity solutions does not have to translate into slower performance. Our Gamma Defense solutions and services will not only monitor your network for potential threats, help you comply with privacy regulations, and protect your data, but will also help you optimize your processes and IT resources for maximum efficiency.

Our Solutions

Data Security

Protect your data and comply with privacy regulations without sacrificing efficiency and agility.

Managed Private Cloud

Your infrastructure powered by our scalable, automated, and secure cloud computing technology

Internal Vulnerability Scanning

of stolen data was posted to various dark web sites by cybercriminals in 2020.

Threat Detection & Response

Identify and neutralize potential cyber threats for maximum network and data infrastructure protection

Secure Access Service Edge

Switch to a cloud-native network architecture that matches the security and activity needs of your ecosystem

Cybersecurity Dashboard

Take control of your cybersecurity with a powerful command center and make compliance a breeze

Wireless Intrusion Protection

Monitor your wireless parameter for the presence of unauthorized access points and deploy prevention measures

Why Gamma Defense

We will show you how to stay a step ahead of cyberattackers

24/7 support

A dedicated cybersecurity strategist assigned to advise and guide you every step of the way

Solutions built by cybersecurity veterans using cutting-edge technologies

A proactive approach to threat management combined with powerful response solutions